@JS's Notes

Site with notes from my work.

Streama Media Streaming Server on Ubuntu

2019-10-04 System @JS

My test platform: Ubuntu Server 18.10

Streama is a free self hosted media streaming server running on Java. Its features are similar to those of Kodi and Plex.

Requirements: user with root privileges or non-root user with sudo privileges.

$ sudo apt update -y
$ sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre
$ cd #
$ mkdir streama
$ cd streama
$ wget https://github.com/streamaserver/streama/releases/download/v1.6.1/streama-1.6.1.war
$ chmod +x streama-1.6.1.war
$ java -jar streama-1.6.1.war &
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mStream - stream music from anywhere (linux server without GUI)

2019-10-04 System @JS

My test platform: Centos Linux 7.6.1810 (system without GUI)

mStream is a personal music streaming server with web GUI.

Requirements: user with root privileges or non-root user with sudo privileges.

$ sudo yum update -y
$ sudo yum install git npm -y
$ git clone https://github.com/IrosTheBeggar/mStream.git
$ cd mStream
$ npm install
$ sudo npm link

To update mStream just pull from git and reboot the server.

If your system has a firewall enabled (firewalld), you need to add port 3000 in the firewall to allow access to mStream.

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3000/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

To test your installation, run the command:

$ mstream &

This will boot an mStream server on port 3000 and will use the current working directory as your music directory. To access the webapp, go to the address http://server_ip:3000.

Reference: mstream.io.

ProFTPD with TLS on Ubuntu 18.10

2019-10-04 System @JS

Requirements: user with root privileges or non-root user with sudo privileges.

ProFTPD - installation and configuration

Update your operating system packages and install ProFTPD:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install proftpd openssl -y
$ systemctl status proftpd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable proftpd.service
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